Salt Float Tanks

Achieving a meditative state requires serious inward concentration, which in many cases is difficult to achieve. Experienced meditators use music and lighting to block out distracting external factors. Instead of adding sights and sounds to tune out distractions, a salt float tank provides a neutral space free from outside influences where meditation comes with ease. With soothing light or in pitch darkness, with no sounds from the outside, a salt float tank is a haven where meditation occurs with ease.

salt float tank with Epsom salt water in black and white

The Experience of Floating

The concept of floating in highly saline water comes from the Dead Sea, which lies between Israel and Jordan and is one of the saltiest bodies of water in the world. Its salinity is over 34%, which allows swimmers to simply float on the surface without any real effort.

The salt float tank is inspired by this wonder, with either pitch black or pleasant, subdued lighting, and either relaxing music or sweet silence. The water is heated to your body temperature, so you can spend as much time in the pod as you need. Even sleeping in a salt float tank is entirely safe, with the dense water supporting your body and allowing you to easily float at the top.

Benefits of Salt Float Tanks

During the phase of rest between being awake and falling asleep, your mind relaxes and your body has the opportunity to heal and recover, allowing you to reach a state you haven't been able to reach in a long time. Numerous studies show that the feeling of floating combined with a relaxing meditation has physical, mental, and emotional health benefits.

Physical benefits include relieving pain and reducing muscle tension, removing stress from the body including the back and hips. Visiting a salt float tank during the day often leads to deeper and easier sleep at night. The mineral-rich Epsom salt water used in our tanks is gentle on skin and helps to make skin smoother. The salty air is enriching and calming, soothing sinuses and encouraging deep breaths.  

A relaxed and meditative state and inward focus have a positive effect on mental health. Visiting a salt float tank can be a welcoming way to relieve stress, while the absence of distracting factors helps you focus on the things that matter and be present in the moment. It’s a state of mind that can draw on creativity and put anxious thoughts to rest. Research shows regular meditation and float pod therapy can reduce anxiety and depression and improves your emotional state.

We invite you to make a habit of floating to enjoy its positive health effects and create a place where you can relax, practice mindfulness and become your better self.


Things to do in Renton


60 Minute Float