60 Minute Float

When life starts to feel overwhelming, it’s important to take time to yourself to let your worries float away. A simple, 60 minute float is a chance to recuperate both physically and mentally, to let go of stress and come back feeling completely restored.

One hour of uninterrupted relaxation can restore your mood and productivity for days to come, so don’t feel guilty about stepping away. From hard-working mothers and employees to people feeling closed in or wearing far too many hats, everyone needs and deserves a break.

The best time to take a break is when you don’t have time.

A 60-minute float is your time to set your mind free. Some relax and listen to music, some lie in complete silence and meditate. Some let their thoughts fade away, some let their minds wander and contemplate things from a new perspective. It’s your time, whether you use it to reflect, or let go, or just enjoy the unique experience.

We have visitors who float once a month, once a week, or even as a part of their daily routine. There is no wrong way to float. 

Floating cares for not just your mind but your body as well. Rest for 60 minutes in purified water mixed with epsom salt to soothe sore muscles and gently exfoliate your skin while enjoying peak relaxation.  While you care for your mind, you’re caring for your body too. 

doing a 60 minute float

We’ve all had quite a year. The kids have been home from school, work structures have changed, our routines have been thrown out the window, and everything has felt so uncertain. To create a haven from it all, we are providing private 60 minute float sessions with extra health and safety measures. We want your floating experience to not just be completely safe but feel safe as well, so your float can be relaxing and restorative from beginning to end.


Salt Float Tanks


Things to Do in Westerville, Ohio