Infrared Sauna and Cardiovascular Health

We all know the importance of cardio exercise for heart health. But cardio can be a catch-22. It’s easier and more enjoyable for healthy, able-bodied people to get out there and exercise. So already-healthier people generally tend to become healthier, or at least find it easier to maintain their health.

But what if you’re suffering from injuries or health issues that make it difficult or impossible to exercise, or if you’re suffering from mental health issues that affect your energy levels and motivation? You need cardio exercise even more than already-healthy people, and yet your conditions make it difficult or impossible to perform conventional cardio.

The solution may surprise you. As it turns out, using an infrared sauna for cardiovascular health can help you receive some of the same benefits as a cardio workout, without requiring the intense bursts or prolonged periods of physical exertion that traditional cardio requires!

Cardiovascular Benefits of Sauna

Infrared sauna therapy acts as passive exercise. Although you’re sitting or lying still, the heat causes your heart rate to increase, strengthening the heart and improving blood circulation. A stronger heart and the resulting improved circulation lead to a host of other benefits. Reduced hypertension, a stronger immune system, and more stable blood sugar levels are the top physical health benefits. Mental health also improves with consistent exercise, which stimulates the release of serotonin.

Speaking of mental health, mental stressors can take a toll on physical health. For example, individuals in high-stress occupations such as emergency first responders are prone to a number of cardiovascular and metabolic diseases. This may be due to factors like the chronic inflammation induced by high stress levels. 

A 2021 study published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health found that heat exposure through sauna bathing was correlated with a reduction in several markers of cardiometabolic diseases. These include high blood pressure, clogged arteries, insulin resistance, and obesity.

Using sauna for cardiovascular health

In a time where most interventions for cardiovascular disease and dysfunction are either risky or physically strenuous, using an infrared sauna for cardiovascular health is a no-brainer. Unlike medications, sauna therapy doesn’t come with a host of potential unwanted side effects. Unlike traditional cardio exercise, sauna therapy doesn’t require physical activity that may not be accessible for you.

Find time in your schedule to relax in an infrared sauna a few times a week. Your heart and your arteries will thank you!


Does Infrared Sauna Help with Inflammation?